There are lots of ways in which you can make savings o-n your car insurance, the best, not to mention the quickest way to make sure you get the cheapest car insurance is to shop around for your insurance.You can do that oneself by going online or by obtaining a specialist insurance agent to do the work for you.Things to bear in mind include com-bining your car and home insurance. You'll find firms who is able to offer savings by you taking both procedures together. Often you can make savings of around 400-mcg on your car insurance by simply incorporating the two.The security features that are installed on your car can help bring your quality down. Just by having first class sensors and window etchings, you can attract big savings.Your postcode can make all the distinction between the price you are offered for your premium as certain areas and their postcodes are regarded as high risk crime areas and as such you cause a higher risk only by living in a region such as this.Younger drivers will typically spend a higher price for their car insurance, due to their inexperience on their path and statistics that state they're more likely to be included in an accident.Women drivers - despite the man jokes about their driving - are classified as better drivers and there are expert sites directed especially with these people in mind who can offer discounted premiums.If there is more than one driver and two or more cars in the family then you can get a great deal on your insurance by using an offer for two or more drivers. This could save you a whole lot on your insurance, which needless to say gains the whole category of drivers.One oversight that the majority of people make is to stay with their insurance company every year and not really consider changing. Those who do not look around when it involves restoring their insurance might be paying around one month significantly more than they must be for exactly the same degree of cover.So when it involves buying your car insurance do not become complacent! By adding a little time and energy directly into looking around - or finding your dealer to accomplish it for you - can save yourself you hundreds of pounds in your insurance.